Monday, February 8, 2010

In Agnes no more.

Read the French translation

Last time, I mentioned that the Southern Cross had asked me to make their promotional video for the “Tours of 1770” DVD they were putting together. As it turns out, Bruce, the instigator of this project, saw the finished product. The very next day, he was calling me up, asking if I could redo HIS promo video. He also suggested to all the other tour operators to call me and have me redo all of THEIRS too...

It took me almost three weeks, but I managed to complete six of the videos before we finally left Seventeen Seventy. We got to do all sorts of crazy things. Some of the fun things involved:

-Doing some wicked manoeuvres on the acrobatic plane including some that could not be filmed as they were considered “illegal” by the pilot. On the way back, I even got to fly the small aircraft for a good 10 minutes.

-Doing some funky camera work whilst riding on the back of a speeding motorcycle. We didn’t have anything like a steady cam, but I think it turned out all right.

-Using a waterproof camera to actually get IN the waves with would-be surfers. The footage ended up being very good, with TONS of funny wipe-outs.

-Destroying the underwater camera Bruce had lent me for the Lazy Lizard shoot. Apparently, it wasn’t as waterproof as the manual would have you believe...

-Revamping some existing Surf Kayak video and trying to make it look nice enough that I would put my name on it. Since both tours are run by the same company, I used a similar layout to unify both products, which seemed to please Luke a lot.

As the title suggests, after having done all of that, we finally managed to escape Agnes Water. Considering that all the roads out of town were flooded at the time, this should be sufficient to let you know how much we needed to be on the road again. I don’t remember the last time I have seen THAT much rain fall in such a small amount of time. It was all very tropical. The campsite that has been our dry home (despite really heavy storms) for the past two months suddenly became a raging river, not even two hours after moving everything back in the car. Good timing, I would say. Funny enough, Australian car manual include a detailed section on how to cross overflowing creeks and what to do when you hit a kangaroo. Crazy Aussies...

Last week, we got to celebrate Australia Day. It’s cool to see how one culture celebrates its own independence. It’s just a shame that, while the Ozzies celebrate the date Captain Cook made his first landfall on Australian soil, all the Aboriginals have to celebrate is the day they lost the right to call themselves “People”. Makes it a little bittersweet to wave the Australian Red White and Blue around... The dogs didn’t seem to mind too much though... So why should we? Plus, we got to chase around some cane toads in the middle of the night to have them race reach other. Mine didn’t win despite the fact that I had named it “Speed Frog”.

See HER view
See His and Hers Pictures
See His and Hers Video


  1. J'savais pas que tu rockais comme ça Marc! Je m'amuse à t'imaginer choisir tes trames musicales :P


  2. C'est très "corporate" ce choix musical... On cherche toujours des tounes qui donnent le goût d'être dans le kayak avec les belles personnes sexy.


  3. Marc le publicitaire:) C'est bon tes vidéo, ça donne le goût d'essayer. Est-ce qu'il y a une journée de l'humanité ? Hi hi, les chiens n'en feraient pas plus une affaire - et le reste de la vie non plus.
